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You Are Welcome Here
We worship together every Sunday morning at 11 AM in-person and online.
If you would like to join us for worship online (via Zoom),
please contact the church office for this week's Zoom url and passcode.
Bulletin for Online Worship
(Bulletin for Upcoming Worship is Uploaded on Fridays)
Click below to download this week's service bulletin for online worship.
About TOL
Trinity Old Lutheran Church is grounded in the words of Jesus.
We are empowered by God’s amazing grace and the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are continually being made “new” through the forgiveness of sins
and our belief that God is not finished with us yet.
We gather for worship, service and fellowship.
Through worship and fellowship, we are empowered to serve our neighbors as Jesus commanded. We welcome and encourage new people to help us continue to be renewed by the Holy Spirit.
Sunday Worship Service
We worship together in person and online every Sunday at 11 AM.
Our worship service is broadcast online via Zoom.
Please contact the church office to receive weekly Zoom invites in your email.
All are welcome!
Ash Wednesday
The season of Lent begins this Wednesday, March 5. Ashes will be distributed that day at 11 am at Augustana Lutheran Church and at 7 pm at TOL.
Midweek Lenten Worship
Here is this year’s schedule of Wednesday Lenten soup suppers (6 pm) and worship services (7 pm):-
Wednesday, March 12th: Good Shepherd, 2669 Sheridan Dr., Tonawanda
Wednesday, March 19th: Abiding Savior, 1534 Ruie Rd., North Tonawanda
Wednesday, March 26th: Augustana, 3143 Eggert Road, Tonawanda
Wednesday, April 2nd: Here at TOL
Wednesday, April 9th: St Martin’s, 322 Old Falls Blvd., North Tonawanda
Mission of the Month: March 2025
This month, your support will be directed to Lutheran Disaster Response as it assists communities impacted by catastrophic wildfires in January. Please see the article in March Trinity Tidings for further details. Please use the marked envelopes in the narthex, or contribute through, indicating that it is designated for LDR – US Wildfires.
Thank you for your support!
Adult Education
The next two classes are listed below. Classes start at 1 pm, in person and on Zoom. Please contact Charlie Schmidtke if you need a Zoom invite. The focus this year will be biblical pairs and trios.-
Monday, March 17th: Samson and Delilah
Monday, March 31st: Ester and King Xerxes
Sandwich Ministry
TOL's Sandwich Ministry team prepares 100 sandwiches per week for Friends of Night People. If you’d like to get involved, please see Sharon Wall or Lanny Repman.
Greif Support
For those who have experienced the death of a child or grandchild. We meet the first and third Tuesdays of each month, next on Tuesday, March 4. The meetings begin at 10 am until 11:30.
Operation Christmas Child
We are collecting items for this year’s shoeboxes throughout the year. There is a list of items needed in the Trinity Tidings and a collection box in the narthex for your items. Thank you for your continued support.
Worship with us on MeTV!
If you are unable to join us for in-person or Zoom worship on Sundays, Lutheran worship is available on Cable TV channel 5, MeTV, Sundays at 10:00 am. “Church Unleashed” is run by local Lutheran Pastors Beigner, Griffiths and Smith.
Food Drive
We are so grateful for all your donations. We will continue to accept grocery donations of non-perishable items, such as: ​-
Soups and other canned goods (vegetables, tuna, beans, etc.)
Peanut butter, jelly, pasta sauce, applesauce Breakfast items: cereal, oatmeal, grits, granola bars
Boxes of pantry staples: instant potatoes, rice, mac and cheese, pasta, ramen noodles (Please check food expiration dates before donating.)
Paper goods (toilet paper, paper towels, etc.)
Personal care (feminine hygiene products, bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, diapers, etc.)
Gift cards for Tops or Wegmans.
Food items can be dropped off here at TOL Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. – noon by entering through the far-left front door, where the elevator is situated, and placing the bags of groceries in the bins provided there. Thank you for your generosity!
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